^^ Agreed ^^
I'm just your friendly, neighbor hood slacker!
Joined on 9/26/07
^^ Agreed ^^
^^Same response as above^^
Are you trying to make some kind of pilot?
Out of this, not really. I like the characters well enough, but I don't think they're developed enough to make a full pilot, or rather entire series out of. Rather, this was just a funny idea for a story that fit the guidelines of the contest.
Man, I checked out how you review and I gotta say, it looks like your pretty bored. lol. You seem to be a professional reviewer. Just wanted to let you know that you've been noticed. =P
Heh, yeah. They're pretty epic.
I don't do many reviews, so when I do them I really put in the effort. I don't review something unless I honestly think I can help someone, otherwise I really don't see the point of it.
Professional? Nah, I've just been through enough art classes to know how to do some effective constructive criticism.
I am happy that somebody noticed the effort though!
animation was ok, but the angles and the anatomy were absolutely terrible, though the story was alright.
Sorry you didn't like the angles. I was experimenting, trying to make something different and interesting. After all, what's the point of animating something if you're going to make it completely realistic? I'm glad you at least liked the story though.