I'm just your friendly, neighbor hood slacker!
Scott Kalison
- Level:
- 24
- Exp Points:
- 6,080 / 6,400
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- Vote Power:
- 6.56 votes
- Rank:
- Police Captain
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- Blams:
- 677
- Saves:
- 1,469
- B/P Bonus:
- 16%
- Trophies:
- 7
- Medals:
- 46
- Gear:
- 2
After pressing the 'I understand' button to view this content which is under judgement, I was greeted by a twenty second or so long black screen. After which the pre loader popped up and the film loaded.
Just about to watch it now.
Hey man it wasn't bad, kinda funny and the animation was neat. The volume as a bit all over the place with the music at the end coming in louder than the rest of the flash, and Dr. Black's voice being let down by what seemed like poor recording quality.
Overall it was pretty good man. I understand you had a deadline and you did well to produce a flash of this quality in that time.
Yeah, I got that black screen too. I had nothing to do with it. It seems like all the movies that were under judgement were having the same problem, but that seems to be fixed now.
Glad you liked the toon though!