I'm just your friendly, neighbor hood slacker!
Scott Kalison
- Level:
- 24
- Exp Points:
- 6,080 / 6,400
- Exp Rank:
- Vote Power:
- 6.56 votes
- Rank:
- Police Captain
- Global Rank:
- Blams:
- 677
- Saves:
- 1,469
- B/P Bonus:
- 16%
- Trophies:
- 7
- Medals:
- 46
- Gear:
- 2
I always love Trey Spade (formerly known as Trey Archer), he's the perfect parody of a washed-up PI from the movies. However, changing the style kind of frightens me since I like the old style so much.
But I put my faith in you, when you say it's the best thing to do I'm sure it is!
Good luck, I'll sure watch out for your project.
Much thanks. Check out your inbox for a little treat!