Well, I originally planned on making this short with a small amount of subtlety. I was kind of on the fence about it, not sure if I should go that extra mile for the laugh, or if I should keep a small amount of taste. Some girls started goading me that they were disappointed with how tasteful the one part of the cartoon was, and that they were looking forward to me making it dirty as hell. I still wasn't sure if I should give in. Then I realized, who needs taste? YAY for gratuitous nudity!
Hopefully, this will be completed sometime in January, since I should have loads of time to work on it around then. Right now I'm working on an abbreviated version of it, which I don't plan on posting here. I'd rather wait until the director's cut is finished before releasing it, as it will be funnier, longer and more cohesive.
Did I mention nudity? YAY!