I'm just your friendly, neighbor hood slacker!

Scott Kalison @Slackman



Joined on 9/26/07

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Slackman's News

Posted by Slackman - August 19th, 2009

Well, I haven't posted anything resembling news since I finished releasing my last project. Take this as a safe sign that I've been hard at work.

The new short is almost finished. Except for some tweeking (that's tweeking, not tweening), some SFX and some music, the thing is pretty much done. Unfortunately, it's going to have to wait awhile before I post it on NG. The site that I'm submitting it to will retain the rights to the cartoon for a few months, and then it reverts back to me, at which point I will joyfully submit it to the portal.

It's pretty safe to say that my latest short is my most ambitious yet, and probably my favorite thing that I've made so far.

I'm not sure if I'm able to post anything from it yet, so I'll just apologize for keeping my fans waiting (all two of you) but finish off by saying that the contest I'm entering stops taking entries at the end of the month, so it'll be out at the very latest by August 31st before midnight.

Posted by Slackman - June 4th, 2009

Part 4: The Conclusion is out!
You can find it here:

And for people who missed the first three:



I just wanna say that it's been a blast making these and I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I did creating them.

Keep your eyes open. While I probably won't be releasing anything for a couple months, I'm already started on my next project. Peace out!

Posted by Slackman - June 3rd, 2009

Part 3 is up!


And for those of you who missed it...

And for those who missed it, here's part 1:


And part 2 (which made front page! WOOT!)


Enjoy folks!

Posted by Slackman - June 2nd, 2009

Part 2 is up! Go watch it!


And for those who missed it, here's part 1:


Enjoy folks!

Posted by Slackman - June 1st, 2009

A new short is up!

This is the first of 4, to be released this week!

Enjoy folks, and go watch it.


Posted by Slackman - April 26th, 2009

I debuted my cartoon in the midst of an art show this wednesday. Despite being in the absolute back of the show, I still managed to garner a line of anticipatory viewers throughout a good chunk of the night. Things did wane near the end, but I still had an impressive amount of viewers (from my point of view anyway). Overall reception seemed to be pretty good. Most people who knew who I was wound up hugging me, giving me beer or other great things in congratulations for a job well done. Several people got offended and walked out before it was over. There were even a few children whom were almost certainly corrupted by my work.

So, here's the deal. The piece isn't done yet. I'd like to add another two segments onto it, but since the filesize is so huge, things would almost certainly become a pain in my ass to combine. Rather, I think I'll release the piece over 5 days, one a day when it's actually finished. This way, if people prefer one segment to another, they won't stop watching before a segment they would like better comes up. Individual ratings on each of the segments seems like a benefit as well. While I don't want to break the thing up, I don't really see any other way around it.

Oh well...

Posted by Slackman - April 15th, 2009

Well, my newest cartoon is done... sorta. I have a show coming up this Wednesday, and I'm putting my latest cartoon in that show where it'll be on a big screen. Pretty swanky if you ask me. BUT, and this is a big but (heh, "big butt"), I'm not sure it's ready for Newgrounds yet. I've been under a strict time limit, and I'd like to push the concept further. It's a collection of several shorts, at this point three. I'm planning on doing two more, which are a little less animation intensive than the last few. They'll be a bit shorter. Here's the kicker though, as it is, the file is estimatably 10 MB, the size limit here on Newgrounds. I'll probably have to seperate it into two different halves, which isn't exactly a disaster (it is a series of shorts), but it's still a bit of a downer. It runs at about 7 minutes long right now, and I'm thinking it'll be another minute or two... maybe three by the time I'm done.

Oh well. That's just the way things go...

Here's a preview pic:

Newest work!

Posted by Slackman - February 13th, 2009

My portfolio site is finally up. Check it out! There's more there than just my animation.



Posted by Slackman - January 16th, 2009

BOOYAH! Go watch it. Seriously, go watch it now!

Here, this might help:

Posted by Slackman - December 6th, 2008

Well, I've got everything basically down. I'll wind up putting in a few edits probably, and I might expand it a bit but it's basically there. I originally planned to make a director's cut, but after watching this shortened version I'm thinking otherwise. The cartoon already runs 5 and a half minutes and has pretty decent pacing. The scenes I have yet to add in do little to improve the plot, and while they do help with character development and are funny, they're not really necessary.

I probably won't release it until around Christmas, maybe a little later. I want to get some opinions on it before I introduce it to the world. I might add in a few more sound effects and work on the camera movement a little bit more. We'll see. Keep an eye out for it soon though, I've got high expectations for this one.