I'm just your friendly, neighbor hood slacker!

Scott Kalison @Slackman



Joined on 9/26/07

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Slackman's News

Posted by Slackman - January 19th, 2012


I didn't quite realize how long it's been since I've updated this thing.

So, Trey 2. It's still on the way. I've been putting in nearly every moment of my free time into making this the best toon I possibly can. I'm getting through it, and it's looking great. The problem is that due to a recent switch to CS5, Flash is unable to handle the file size. Honestly, I find it to be pretty amazing how much less CS5 has been able to handle compared to CS4 or even earlier releases.

But I digress.

I don't exactly want to jinx it, but lets just say that I've happened upon the opportunity to pitch Trey to someone pretty important within the industry. In order to take full advantage of said opportunity, the scope of Trey has gone up quite a bit.

This also forced me to face the potential legal repercussions of the character. I suppose I should clarify this right here and now. Trey is in no way, shape or form connected to Treyarc. I don't play COD, and had no clue that there was even a company with that name until a week or two before I released the first toon, and by that time I wasn't about to go back and change it. In order to avoid further association with Treyarc, (or with the show Archer for that matter), Trey's name has been changed to Trey Spade.

Lastly, Trey isn't the only project I've had in the pipeline. I've been working my ass off on some actual paying projects. Right now I'm working on a music video that I truly hope I'll be able to bring to NG. I can't say much other than that.

Okay, one more minor update. In my spare time, I made a Trey poster. Check it out!

Trey updates, poster and various odds and ends

Posted by Slackman - June 22nd, 2011

So yeah, I just released a little trailer I made as a side project to Trey Archer 2. It's just a little something I made as a lighter side project. It contains no actual footage from Trey 2. Consider it an appetizer, the real deal is on the way.

Check it out here:


Posted by Slackman - February 13th, 2011

The first episode of my new series, Trey Archer, has just been released!

Give it a look!


Posted by Slackman - October 19th, 2010

It's been underway for about a year now. I'm proud of it, and I hope you guys like it!


Posted by Slackman - October 8th, 2010

Cripes it's been a long ass time since I've updated this. Alright, well I haven't JUST been jerking around over the past months. Truth is that the cartoon I've been working on for about a year now (shit... has it been that long?) is pretty much done and has been more or less (with a few tweaks here and there) since the summer. The only problem is that the FLA file has become so large and unwieldy that I do not have the RAM to export the bastard.

Needless to say, that does not make me a happy animator. The lucky thing is that this cartoon was originally inspired around Halloween, and certainly has a lot of inspiration in horror movies. The original thought was to release it around Halloween, but then it spiraled out of control, life threw some obstacles in the way the delays kept it from approaching the finish for a long damn time. The hope is that I can upgrade my computer and export it before Halloween comes around, and submit it here for your enjoyment.

In other news, I've been working on a new series, which I'm absolutely loving. Hopefully I will be able to produce the animation in a far more reasonable time frame (aka, with some/any regularity). If all goes according to plan, the first episode should be out in a month or two. Of course, now that I've said that, you shouldn't expect it to be finished until some time in January 2034.

Posted by Slackman - March 23rd, 2010

As mentioned in my last post, I had two projects underway. The smaller of those was put on hold for a bit of retooling, whereas the bigger has become my main focus over the past few months. It's going to be 5 scenes long when it's done, and as of now 4 of those are more or less animated. Lip synching remains, and while that's an utter pain in the ass, it's not the most time consuming of tasks. Besides that, all I have to animate is the last scene, which is probably the least ambitious of the 5 (not the big conclusion which I pretty much finished today with the exception of a few touches (and of course the dreaded lip synch).

I can easily say that this is my most ambitious project to date. The animation alone is making for some impressively sized files in flash, and that's not including the audio. I think it's going to wind up being the best short I've ever produced, to the point where I'm considering trying to enter it in a few animation festivals. We'll see how that goes...

Once this is done, I can finally move on to something a little bit... smaller... Less overwhelming perhaps? We'll see. That's what I thought after my last project, then this one popped into my head.

In other news, my work has been mentioned in a newspaper for the first time. Provided, I just directed and animated the thing (essentially a freelance job), but it's still a bit heartwarming nonetheless (note: this cartoon does not reflect my values)

The NY Daily News

Posted by Slackman - January 13th, 2010

I haven't updated this in awhile, so I figured it was time.

I have two separate cartoons underway. One is a massive project that's been underway more or less since October. This is my main project, despite the fact that it keeps getting delayed and slowed down. Nearly a minute of it is animated, and that doesn't include any of the dialogue which will definitely pad it out quite a bit. At this point I can pretty safely say that this will be the biggest project I've ever tackled, and it shows. I'm not even done with the first scene yet, and there are multiple in this monster.

The second cartoon I've been working on is a little less ambitious, but is still looking very solid nonetheless. This one falls under the category of a talking head cartoon and I've been working on it in my spare time. It's not nearly as epic, but at this rate I estimate that it will probably be done before my main project.

I've debated whether or not I should put up a picture or not, but at the moment I'm feeling too lazy to open up Flash and take a screen shot.

Anyway, happy new year people!

Posted by Slackman - December 3rd, 2009

That's right, my official submission for NG's winter Flash Off has just been submitted to the portal! You can watch it here.

Or, if you prefer copy/paste: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Enjoy folks!

Posted by Slackman - October 11th, 2009

I'm gonna start with the other stuff. The main component of the other stuff is that the Aniboom contest is now over... kind of. Voting is done, and for the rest of this month as well as some of the next month judges of some sort are going to be sorting through entries and picking out their favorites. Basically this means that I'm left stewing in my own juices, but I refuse to let the down time go to waste.

So I've gone underway with a new cartoon. I'll go so far as to say that when its finished, it will almost undoubtedly be the sickest thing I've ever produced, for better or for worse. I think it's got some serious potential to be funny as hell, but as always, I'm not the most objective person on the subject. Its Halloween inspired, but there isn't a snowball's chance in hell it'll be done for Halloween. Luckily, it's not going to be Halloween themed, so it all should work out. The first draft of the script is done. I'm now in the process of editing it, doing character designs and hopefully very soon storyboarding it. For the first time ever, I may find myself turning to NG voice actors to get the job done, and if I can find something appropriate for the cartoon I will probably use something from the audio portal.

Exciting stuff people...

Posted by Slackman - September 1st, 2009

Alright folks, my latest cartoon is indeed out, but it is not on NG... yet.

Here's the deal. FOX network is holding a contest in which animators submit holiday themed cartoons. There are apparently multiple elements in order to reach the finalist stage, one of which is getting votes from viewers like you!

So, I need as much support as physically possible!

The grand prize from the contest is a large sum of cashola and a development deal with FOX. 5 runners up get just a relatively large sum of cashola.

Help a fellow NGer out?

All you need to do is go here and vote... preferably voting highly.

http://www.aniboom.com/competitions/Fo x/391067/A-Very-Christmas-Incident/

Go and vote 5! Show this to your friends, your family, people you wish you didn't know but still do! Every vote counts!
